It's our family's favorite time of year! FALL!!! We love to watch the football games as a family. This year we were excited for the opening week of NFL football. Dave and I were also really excited that we got to share this with Everett. I tried not to get too depressed with Peyton Manning being out for the season. I'm keeping the faith. GO COLTS!!! Dave was his typical self. He loves the Bengals before the game starts, and usually decides he hates them about 2 seconds after kick off. He then goes totally crazy high fiving everyone "if" they score, and goes back to cursing them a few plays later. I always secretly want them to win because I have a much nicer husband when they do. This time of year is also exciting because we get to eat our "Football Foods" again. This week Dave made Cincinnati chili dogs and 3 ways (which is something like Cincy chili, noodles, onions, cheese ... umm that might be a 4 way. I don't actually eat that, so I'm not sure. If Dave wants people to know, he can write his own blog. ha!). I just had a hotdog with cheese on top, but I loved it! Of course it was just a normal day for Everett, but we got to dress him up and take cute pictures of him. That was fun for us.
Stats for Week 1:
Bengals 1-0
Colts 0-1
Cincinnati Chili
Oh, I almost forgot ... We call Everett, Meatball now. He does this weird thing where he sucks his hands, and they always smell like formula. Ugh ... gross. So anyway, Dave and I were making jokes that he smelled like a hamburger, or a hotdog, or a meatball. Well he sorta looks like a meatball too, so we call him that now. He is a really cute Meatball!
Everett looks so cute in his football hat and socks from Stephanie. Dave was so excited to take a picture with him. First picture together as Bengals fans.

Sara, Dan, and Stella came over to watch the game at our house. We'll go to their house next week. Here's Aunt Sara and Cousin Stella with our little Meatball. (I'm pretty sure we had to bribe Stella with something to actually look toward the camera.)
Our football family. I think Everett was crying, "get me a Colts jersey." GO HORSE!
We caught Everett sucking his thumb while Sara was holding him. Dave does not allow this sort of behavior. It doesn't bother me. He looks so cute doing it.
He fell asleep with me. It was a long day of football. And yes that is a Bengals remote that you see.
Amber, I will come wear my Colts gear with you anytime! Just let me know when. :)