I'm officially back watching Stella. It has been an adjustment keeping both of them (for me and Stella). Thankfully she's a really good girl. She hasn't developed any jealousy toward Everett yet, but we'll see what happens. I'm trying to work out their naps, so that one of them is always asleep. Somehow I always manage to be holding a fussy Everett while I'm making Stella's lunch, so don't call me around 2:15!!! Here's some pictures from the past week.
Last weekend my roommate from college (GO BSU!), Kasey came to visit me from Texas. She is 6 months pregnant, so she was getting some practice by holding Everett.
When she got here, we were having a cold spell!!! It was like 60 degrees. We put Everett in this warm outfit that Kasey bought him before he was born. He looked so adorable. Thank you Kasey!!!
So this week I've been juggling Stella & Everett. Whew! This is all of us relaxing while Stella was taking her nap. Sorry Stelly, but this is our TV time. I think we were watching Dr. Phil.
Sometimes when Dave and Sara are both out of town, I stay at Sara & Dan's to make it simpler. Dan leaves for work at 6:45, and neither of us want to wake our children up that early. It works out nice because they can both sleep. Here we are relaxing, Everett in his vibrating chair, and Stella eating her afternoon snack. Doesn't she look so old here. :*( Makes me sad. I don't want her to grow up. She has started to become a good helper though. She grabs burp cloths and paci's for me. She loves to help her Aunt A.

Okay ... So Stella and I have a new obsession. BOO! We are both in LOVE with this dog. I mean really, have you ever seen a cuter dog? You haven't! So I kept telling Stella that Boo is the cutest dog in the world. Now she always grabs my phone and says, "Aunt A, I wanna see Boot in the world", or sometimes she says, "Boot, dog in the world". Either way it's adorable, just like Boo. If you love Boo, as much as me, become his friend on Facebook. He has almost 2 million fans!
While Everett was asleep one day, I decided to see if his car seat would fit in Stella's wagon. I thought it would be fun for them to ride together. I told Stella that I was going to try it and asked if she wanted to help. She did. She kept saying, "try it Aunt A in the wagon". Anyway the car seat fit, so I took them on a ride.
We only made it next door, and then it started raining.
They are so cute laying on the play mat together. This only lasted for a few minutes, and Stella decided she was SCARED. ha. A few minutes later she wanted to lay with him again.

He's working on his BUMBO skills.

Stella and her "sister" Ray Ray. This is one of Ray's favorite places to lay down. I walked into the living room to find that Stella had climbed up there with her. So cute.

While I was washing bottles, Stella thought it would be fun to "ride the horsey". She calls Ray, "Maximus" from Tangled. Thankfully, Ray is a very good sport.

Everett is showing off his best asset. His huge smile!

He's hungry!!! But he's wearing his cute new fox pajamas.

My mom found this picture of my brother. We think that Everett looks a lot like him, especially his smile, eyes, and eyebrows. Gordon was 1 in this picture.

We decided today to get Everett's toys out. A few of them say 3 months and up. He is almost 3 months, so we thought now would be a good time. He doesn't have much interest in grabbing them, but we are working on it. Here he is with Sophie. SO CUTE!