Everett will be 8 months old on Sunday. He is getting bigger! Ha. That's the point. Right? He weighs 24 lbs. He has 6 teeth. They finally all cut through. He is biting now. He bit my finger, and he bit Sara's shoulder. He left a red mark on her. He's a little vampire! Eek!
It was my Grandma's 89th birthday two weeks ago. Everett made her a card.
I found Everett a really cute Valentine's outfit at Gap! Dave said it looked like Where's Waldo's outfit. Hehe. There's no missing him. He's red and he's big!
Everett went to the park with his Oma & Poppy last Fri. He went swinging for the first time. I think he liked it. They got a little worried he might tip out, so he didn't get to stay in for long.
Sunday night it snowed! Sorta. :) I love seeing snow here once or twice a year. I made Dave take him out in his pj's the next morning. Here they are with the little bit of snow that was left.
I came downstairs last night to see this cute scene. Everett likes to scratch Dave's face. It's really sweet.
Everett ate real food today for the first time. A banana! Ha. I mashed it up like baby food, so I don't think it really counts. He currently is on this eating schedule:
7:30: 7 oz formula
9:00: 4 oz fruit & rice cereal
10:30: 6 oz formula
12:30: 6 oz formula
2:00: 4 oz fruit/ veggie mix
3:00: 6 oz formula
5:00: 6 oz formula
6:15: 4 oz veggie
7:30: 7 oz formula
Here he is eating his banana. I don't know why it's so small.