I know. I am really losing faith in myself when it comes to blogging. And sooooo much has gone on this month. Let's start at the beginning ... a very good place to start.
At the very end of September, I had what I HOPE to be my last surgery for a very long time. It was a hard decision for me to make. I did not "have" to get the surgery. It wasn't life or death. It was a personal decision that I wavered on for a couple weeks up until the last minute. As you know, I had an open wound. It had been nine weeks, and this sucker was still not closed up. It was closing, but at some point there was a stand still. The wound started healing but not closing. It looked bad (really bad). It was annoying. My risk for infection was still prevalent. And to be honest, I was sick of it! My doctor was too because she referred me to a wound specialist, who then referred me to a plastic surgeon wound specialist. Ha! He suggested going in and cutting off some of my skin (a lot of my skin), taking out dead tissue, removing undissolved stitches, and ultimately sewing me shut. This was a blessing, but sort of had a possible curse to it too. If I did the surgery, I would look much better and feel better and be done with this wound. However, I was at risk for another infection. My past infection was a fluke, but it was possible to happen again. This is why I had a tough time deciding. Now that I am a mom, decisions like this aren't as easy as before. Sure I don't want to look crazy, and have a non-healing wound on my body, BUT (and a big but), I want to be ALIVE. I have a son now. I prayed, and I prayed, and I had faith that I would be okay. And I am!
I am sad to say that I have no pictures to share with you regarding my surgery. ha!
A couple weeks later on Sat Oct 8, Sara, Dan, Dave, and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch in Youngsville. This pumpkin patch is the Mac Daddy of pumpkin patches. I don't think people still say Mac Daddy. Maybe they never did .. Anyway ... Stella had a great time. Everett didn't know what the heck was going on, but he slept and was good. I couldn't ask for more.
Looking at the animals with Dad.

The horse is the obvious stand out!

On Thurs Oct 13 (Stella's Birthday!), Sara and I took Stella and Everett to Ohio. I had to sit on the back on the hump between both kids. Don't tell Sara (I know she doesn't read my blog anyway, so this shouldn't be an issue.), but I actually would much rather sit on the hump the whole way than to drive the whole way. ;) The kids were great. Again, Everett slept the whole time. I mean seriously, whose 3 1/2 month old sleeps for 9 hours straight and only wakes up a couple times to eat and gets out of his carseat once for a diaper change? He's an awesome baby. Stella was actually pretty good too. We watched a million episodes of Yo Gabba, sang Disney songs, and she kicked me a lot. It was her birthday, so I let it slide.

Once we got there we took family pictures at Stella's Birthday/ Everett's Welcoming party. We had a nice time with family.

Stella ended up staying in Ohio with Oma and Poppy. My mom came back to Raleigh with us to watch Everett. While the kids were being spoiled by their grandparents, I was getting spoiled in Charleston for a "surprise" 30th birthday weekend with my friends. I had a great time. I appreciate my friends and Dave for planning that for me. It meant a lot to me. I ended up making everyone go on this inappropriate walking tour that was supposed to be a ghost tour. We had to cut out because the tour ended up being very nasty. If you want details, I'll have to tell you later. Thankfully, we all got our money back the next day!
I really love these palmettos.

Playing frisbee by the water.
Cheers to 30!
Surprise! My friends came to Charleston too!
Dinner at Leaf.
Found this monkey hanging in a tree.
When I got home last weekend, my baby was sick with a cold. He still has it today. My mom didn't want to tell me because she knew I'd worry and want to come home. He's been to the doctor twice since then. There isn't too much that we can do. He actually went in today for his 4 month vaccines. This big boy weighs 18 lbs, which is the 95th percentile, and is 26 inches, which is the 85th percentile. His head is in the 65th percentile, so it's getting bigger too. Ha! I don't know how I have such a big baby. You'll be seeing me on Dr. Phil in a few years. The mom who won't stop feeding her child. What can I say? He's hungry. But in all seriousness, the doctor says he looks great and is very healthy!!! Praise God.