Welcome to my blog. Welcome to my family.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.
-Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

7 month photos

Everett has his 7 month pictures taken on Jan 13. Below are some of the shots. Denise Fisher took Everett's pictures. She has so much passion for photography, and it really shows in her work. Check out her website www.denisefisherphotography.com

Monday, February 20, 2012

Baby Bites ... OUCH

Everett will be 8 months old on Sunday. He is getting bigger! Ha. That's the point. Right? He weighs 24 lbs. He has 6 teeth. They finally all cut through. He is biting now. He bit my finger, and he bit Sara's shoulder. He left a red mark on her. He's a little vampire! Eek!

It was my Grandma's 89th birthday two weeks ago. Everett made her a card.

I found Everett a really cute Valentine's outfit at Gap! Dave said it looked like Where's Waldo's outfit. Hehe. There's no missing him. He's red and he's big!

Everett went to the park with his Oma & Poppy last Fri. He went swinging for the first time. I think he liked it. They got a little worried he might tip out, so he didn't get to stay in for long.

Sunday night it snowed! Sorta. :) I love seeing snow here once or twice a year. I made Dave take him out in his pj's the next morning. Here they are with the little bit of snow that was left.

I came downstairs last night to see this cute scene. Everett likes to scratch Dave's face. It's really sweet.

Everett ate real food today for the first time. A banana! Ha. I mashed it up like baby food, so I don't think it really counts. He currently is on this eating schedule:
7:30: 7 oz formula
9:00: 4 oz fruit & rice cereal
10:30: 6 oz formula
12:30: 6 oz formula
2:00: 4 oz fruit/ veggie mix
3:00: 6 oz formula
5:00: 6 oz formula
6:15: 4 oz veggie
7:30: 7 oz formula

Here he is eating his banana. I don't know why it's so small.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sorry faithful followers. I am so annoyed with myself for not keeping up with my blog. UGH! I am vowing to do better. So here is what you missed ...

My brother got married on Nov. 19. Below are some pictures from our trip back home again in Indiana. Everett and I flew by ourselves. Dave was in Phoenix for work, so he flew and met us in Indy.I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to handle it. It was a bit of process. He was so heavy at this point (5 months old), but he was still in his infant carrier and not sitting up in an umbrella stroller yet. Everything worked out perfectly. I rolled him through to the gate. Checked his seat and stroller, and he sat on my lap for the first two flights to Indy. He was a perfect angel.

Pictures from the reception.

My mom & dad with Everett.

Posing with the groom.
Ha! There's something about a fat baby wearing a tie.

On the flight home, we got to take his seat on. It was great! He did awesome!
Thanksgiving with the Kings

Stella being squirrelly.
Me & My Pumpkin! She is really a beautiful little girl.
Dave & Sara thought it would be a good idea to let Everett try pumpkin pie. Of course, he liked it! I was not happy.
On Dec 10, I took Stella to see the Disney Princesses on Ice. She got the Belle doll, the princess crown, cotton candy (Okay maybe that was for me), and nachos (Okay maybe that was for me too, lay off!) We had a great time. She was just in awe the whole time. I loved watching the performance, but mostly I loved watching her face. Every winter we're going to do a special aunt and niece day. That night she stayed the night with me and we watched Rudolph and Frosty over and over.
Christmas in Ohio

My little Meatball!

Everett is enjoying eating the wrapping paper while opening presents from his Papaw!
Stella & Everett with their Oma & Poppy.
My family.
Everett with his Oma.
Everett & Dave at my parents house. E is so happy. Like always!

Okay and in case we all are not tired enough of Christmas, now I am really tired of Christmas. Let's not visit this topic until late November 2012. Looking forward to Spring and blogging more. I am caught up now, so I'm feeling good!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Uncle Davey Made a Leaf Pile

Stella for some reason is calling Dave, Uncle Davey. Once today she called him Uncle Davey Gravy. Ha anyway. I told her that I bet we could get Uncle Dave to rake us a pile of leaves to jump in. Well she got really excited about this. Then Dave was on the phone for over an hour before we could ask him. Finally he got off, and Stella said, "Uncle Dave make pile of leaves for me to jump in." Ha! So he did.

Stella did not know what to think of the leaves. We told her to jump, and she just looked at the pile. Then we told her to kick them, and she just looked at the pile. She is very girly!

And she looked some more.

Then Aunt A threw her in the pile!

Then I got in with her and showed her how to throw the leaves.

Baby Everett loves the leaves too!

Dave said when we were taking this picture, "so he can't go to the nursery at church, but you'll lay him in dirty leaves." It's for the sake of art Dave, and I put a burp cloth under him. Ha!


Now this is precious!